Pest Animal Management and Chemical Safety Workshops
During 2016 and 2017, AgForce rolled out 73 one-day, no cost workshops to train landholders in chemical handling safety and the latest pest management techniques.
These one-day workshops for landholders included practical training and information on the latest pest animal control tools including the new Canid Pest Ejectors and PAPP baits.
Participants received a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment after completing training and assessment in the following units:
- AHCCHM303 - Prepare and apply chemicals; and
- AHCCHM304 - Transport, handle and store chemicals
If you would like information about chemical handling safety training or other training options, visit the
AgForce training Information Page or contact AgForce directly on (07) 3236 3100 or email
AgForce Training is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO #1834) and delivers nationally recognised training to members and non-members.
Receipt of a Statement of Attainment for the above training enables participants to apply for a 2 year Qld Health Dept permit/endorsement to buy, store and use 1080 & PAPP manufactured baits and also Canid Pest Ejector capsules. (
The above Statement of Attainment is not required when applying for a Strychnine permit).
To apply for a permit/endorsement for Strychnine, 1080 and PAPP, the links are here:
This project was delivered by AgForce Projects with support from the Queensland Farmers Federation and the Queensland Government, funded by the Australian Government.
Controlling wild dogs
New to controlling wild dogs on your property? Are your methods not as effective as you want them to be?
Before you get started, read some of our 'must-know info' on controlling wild dogs:
- To successfully reduce the damage to your stock from wild dogs, the numbers of wild dogs need to reduced to a level where they are no longer causing impacts. Simple really, however it is best done across a catchment/shire/region than on one property every 10 or 20.
- With the loss of much of the sheep industry in Queensland since the 1980s there are not as many fences or staff available to control wild dogs. It's important not to be complacent. Don't wait around until you start losing considerable stock, as wild dogs breed up and then learn how to attack calves and even cattle. It's best to have an ongoing control program that consists of baiting, trapping and shooting year round.
- Learn to teach your house and working dogs to wear a muzzle so that you can bait more often and effectively. For those who would like to know more, we highly recommend these training videos.
- Controlling wild dogs is best done with a variety of tools and techniques. Some wild dogs will be trap shy or aware and others will be shy or aware of baits or shooting. Therefore use as many tools as possible to keep one step ahead of them.
For best results its recommended to use as many control tools as possible. Be sure to have controls tools working for you as many days in the year as possible.
For more information on controlling wild dogs, click the below links:
Links and Resources
Dr Peter Fleming talks about the history and current problems wild dogs in Australia here.
Visit Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for information on 'Wild Dogs in Queensland'.
FAQ's - Facts vs Myths
- Find out more about the impacts of wild dogs here.
- Have you got wild dogs? What to look for? Try this tool here.
- What are dingoes? Do we have dingoes or hybrids in our area? Gets the facts here.
- Wild Dogs prey on our wildlife - find out more here.
- Do your cattle suffer higher rates of miscarriage and infertility? Maybe this disease transmitted by dogs could be to blame.
- Get information on the successful Paroo Model of Wild Dog Control here.
- Glovebox guide for managing wild dogs – This handy sized booklet has heaps of very good info on wild dogs and how to detect and control them.
- How to develop a plan to control wild dogs in your area: Guidelines for Preparing a Working Plan to Manage Wild Dogs and Working Plan to Manage Wild Dogs – These two easy-to-follow booklets outline a six step approach to developing a plan to control wild dogs in your area.
What impact do foxes have on your baiting and trapping efforts?Foxes generally have a smaller territory which they cover on a more regular basis than wild dogs. In their travels they can eat and cache (store) baits intended for wild dogs. In many regions local governments and landholders will bait in say March/April and have a follow up baiting 1 to 4 weeks later. This first baiting is designed to remove as many foxes as possible from the environment, allowing any dogs remaining in the area to have a higher chance of finding a bait.
Workshop presentations
- "Predator management - Collaborative efforts to control pests"
Clynton Spencer - Biosecurity Queensland, Senior Wild Dog Officer
View presentation
- "Coordinating groups to carry out control over the landscape"
Damien Ferguson - AgForce Projects Feral Animal Project Coordinator
View presentation
- "Disease prevalence and public health risks of wild dogs in peri-urban areas of Queensland"
Lana Harriott - School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, Gatton Campus
View presentation