Advanced CSG Negotiation Support workshops

The CSG team have developed new Advanced CSG Negotiation Support workshops,which will be delivered to small groups to allow us to provide information more specific to your circumstances, and further information about later stage negotiations. 

These workshops are specifically designed for people who:
  • Are negotiating an initial CCA; 
  • Have negotiated and settled on a CCA; 
  • Are renegotiating their existing CCA; or
  • Are negotiating a Make Good agreement. 
Our Advanced workshops are a great opportunity to raise questions regarding your negotiations and agreements; receive information on conflict resolution and learn from other landholders experiences. Some sessions will involve representatives from government compliance teams to answer questions on enforcement issues.

CSG Information sessions

For landholders who are not yet at the negotiation stage, we will continue holding our CSG Information Sessions. These information sessions include an overview of CSG, perfect for landholders who have an interest in CSG or have been approached for preliminary activity on their property.

Workshop topics:
  • An explanation of the groundwater impacts and landholders rights;
  • Development plans in your region;
  • Government changes along with new or updated legislation; and
  • What you can expect when you enter into negotiations including initial stages right through to negotiating rehabilitation.

CSG Digital Mapping workshops

CSG digital mapping workshops provide hands on, practical computer training to help you develop a property computer map to plan for potential CSG impacts to your property.

Topics and what you will receive:

  • Skills and technology to develop a computer property map and plan, with your property infrastructure and points of interest recorded, to help you demonstrate to a resource company where and when it can conduct mining activities
  • USB stick for saving your work to take home and continue your property map and plan
  • Your property's latest digital data and a mapping software demonstration program
  • Add bio and physical features to maps such as land types and infrastructure
  • Link GPS for data upload and download

Field Days and Webinars

The CSG team also hold field days and webinars throughout the year including:
  • CSG Water Field Days
  • CSG / Biosecurity Field Days
  • CSG Webinars

Check out our Events Calendar for locations or upcoming events, or complete an expression of interest form to request a workshop, field day or information session in your town.

Interested in having a CSG workshop on property?

The team are currently receiving expressions of interest from any landholders who have CSG activity on their property and would like to host an on-property workshop. If this might be something you would be interested in, please email the team here.

The CSG Project is delivered by AgForce Projects with the support of the Queensland Government, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Queensland Resources Council and the GasFields Commission Queensland.
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