Meet the CSG team

The AgForce Projects Landholder CSG Project includes a team of staff dedicated to helping Queensland landholders safeguard the future prosperity of their properties against the expansion of the CSG industry. The team is based in Brisbane and has vast experience in the fields of environmental science, legislation, policy and agronomy.

For any general enquiries please email a CSG Project Officer today.

Currently Vacant - CSG Project Leader
P: 07 3238 6024

Karen Culpeper - Projects Coordinator
P: 07 3238 6048

Noel Brinsmead - GIS Technical Officer
P: 07 3236 3100 M: 0400 665 436

Hannah Leu - Marketing and Communications Advisor
P: 07 3238 6060


The CSG Project is delivered by AgForce Projects with the support of the Queensland Government, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Queensland Resources Council and the GasFields Commission Queensland.
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