More than 200 landholders gathered in Roma and Miles in October to hear from and question government and CSG company groundwater experts about the predicted impacts of CSG activity on the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) as part of a continuing series of CSG water field days.
The field days included a Q&A session where landholders raised key concerns about how impacts on bores will be monitored as well as questions pertaining to regulation and enforcement provisions to keep tenure holders accountable for impacts on groundwater now and into the future. The focus of the day was the Surat Underground Water Impact Report (UWIR), which predicts where groundwater impacts are likely to occur and requires that bore assessments and Make Good (MG) agreements be entered into before any predicted impacts occur.
Representatives from the Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment (OGIA) provided an overview of the monitoring and MG strategies regarding the 85 bores in the Immediately Impacted Area (IAA) that are predicted by the report to be impacted within three years (2012-2015), and the 528 bores in the Long Term Affected Area (LTAA) that are predicted to be impacted outside three years.
- Professor David Brereton (Roma)
Deputy Director, Sustainable Minerals Institute
David was appointed as foundation Director of the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) at UQ in late 2001. During his tenure, CSRM grew into a world leading centre of research expertise on the social challenges facing the mining and minerals sector. He now works with the Sustainable Minerals Institute, driving cross-disciplinary initiatives to improve the sustainability performance of the minerals industry. - Professor Andrew Garnett (Miles)
Director, UQ Centre for Coal Seam Gas
Andrew has extensive experience in the oil and gas industry with over 25 years' experience with international projects in conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon and development projects. In his current role with the Centre for CSG, Andrew is conducting high quality, impartial scientific research in the CSG sector in the areas of water management and impacts, and community and social performance.
View presentation: UQ Centre for CSGSpeakers
- Randall Cox
General Manager, Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment (OGIA), Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM)
Randall led the team that prepared the Surat Underground Water Impact Report, which assesses the future impacts of CSG development in the Surat Basin. Randall is a hydrogeologist by training and has extensive experience with the Great Artesian Basin.
View presentation: Managing CSG groundwater impacts
- Josh Lean
Manager, Energy Regulation and Implementation, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP)
Josh has worked in environmental planning and policy for the past seven years, focusing on setting in place regulations and policy that seek to improve the coexistence between industry and sensitive land uses. Josh currently looks after a team that manages the implementation of policy related to CSG water.
View presentation: Make Good Framework
- David Free
Chief Hydrogeologist, Groundwater Investigation and Assessment Team, CSG Compliance Unit
David has some 40 years' experience undertaking groundwater investigations, assessment and management across the State with a strong emphasis in the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) in South
View presentation: Groundwater Investigation and Assessment
- Dr. Steve Ward
Acting Manager, CSG Compliance Unit, DNRM
Steve has worked in CSG and environmental management for the past five years, in public and private sectors. Steve is currently Acting Manager of the Engagement Team within the CSG Compliance Unit, which acts as a one-stop shop for community and landholder issues, concerns or enquiries relating to CSG.
View presentation: CSG Compliance Unit - Steve Jacoby
Executive Director, Land and Spatial Information Department of Natural Resources and Mines
View presentation: CSG & the Queensland Globe
Resource company speakers
- Andrew Moser
Groundwater Manager
Andrew is a hydrogeologist with over 20 years' experience in the Asia Pacific. Andrew has extensive regional groundwater management experience including being a member of the team which developed the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Plan. He has worked in both consulting and government roles in groundwater assessment and management, mining, and aid sectors.
View presentation: CSG 101
View presentation: Regional Impacts - Julian Long
Water Solutions Manager
Julian has more than 23 years' experience in the water industry with roles in water management for CSG and mining, environmental impact assessment, water resource management, water quality management, regulatory negotiations, stakeholder consultation and community education. Julian is currently responsible for setting and managing the strategic direction of the Water Solutions Team.
View presentation: Water ManagementSantos
- Shaun Davidge
Manager, Water Planning and Resources
Shaun is a hydrogeologist with 28 years' experience in water supply, mine water control and water management projects. His experience extends across projects in Australia, New Zealand, America, South East Asia and Africa. - David Gornall
Senior Hydrogeologist
David is the leader of the groundwater team working on the Santos GLNG Project. David's area of expertise covers the impact assessment of ground depressurisation and dewatering caused by large scale civil infrastructure and petroleum developments. David is also heavily involved in the assessment and delivery of Santos projects investigating water re-use by aquifer re-injection.
View presentation: Groundwater monitoringQGC
- Mark Riksen
General Manager Water Solutions
Mark is QGC's General Manager for Water Development and accountable for groundwater monitoring and management, water strategy and communication (including make good), water infrastructure development and brine management. Mark has almost 20 years experience in the oil and gas industry ranging from upstream to downstream, strategy to commercial structuring with postings in Scotland, Nigeria, Singapore, USA and Australia. Mark holds a MSc in Civil Engineering from Delft University of Technology and a MBA from London Business School.
View presentation: Make Good
The CSG Project is delivered by AgForce Projects with the
support of the Queensland Government, the Australian Petroleum
Production and Exploration Association, Queensland Resources Council
and the GasFields Commission Queensland.