Roma and Taroom CSG and Biosecurity Field Days

Roma and Taroom CSG and Biosecurity Field Days

AgForce Projects, in conjunction with the Livestock Biosecurity Network and DAFF held CSG Biosecurity Field Days in Roma and Taroom in July 2014. The field days outlined strategies and plans landholders can put in place to control the spread of pests and weeds, information about animal health management and waste management.


Daniel Phipps, CSG Project Officer - Biosecurity Field Day presentation

Dr Steve Ward, Acting Manager, CSG Compliance Unit, Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) - Biosecurity Field Day - CSGCU presentation

Sarah Jane-Wilson, Regional Manager - Northern Australia, Livestock Biosecurity Network (LBN) - CSG & Biosecurity Field Day presentation

Maranoa Regional Council - Pest Management Activities presentation


Daniel Phipps, CSG Project Officer - Biosecurity Field Day presentation

Tim Green, CSG Compliance Unit, Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) - Biosecurity Field Day - CSGCU presentation

Sarah Jane-Wilson, Regional Manager - Northern Australia, Livestock Biosecurity Network (LBN) - CSG & Biosecurity Field Day presentation

Maranoa Regional Council - Pest Management Activities presentation

Further Information

The CSG industry in Queensland is one of many new industries that are now operating in rural areas and another that landholders need to consider when managing farm biosecurity. 
Landholders should also consider:
  • Power companies 
  • Stock routes and inspectors 
  • Main and local roads and maintenance crews 
  • Prospecting or fossicking
  • Any other access by external vehicles or equipment that may pose a risk 
Before a company can undertake advanced activities on a property (e.g. drilling, intensive seismic activities) they must negotiate an access agreement (known as a Conduct and Compensation Agreement- CCA) with the landholder. CCA's cover compensation for activities and impacts and conduct regarding how activities will be carried out and property specific considerations (including specific biosecurity provisions). 

Under the mandatory provisions of the land access code (LAC) resource companies (including coal and CSG) have an obligation to avoid and manage, by all reasonable steps, the risk of spreading declared pests and weeds in either carrying out their authorised activities or entering lands to carry out these activities. 

The land access code sets down these mandatory requirements but AgForce encourages landholders to negotiate property specific provisions as part of their CCA negotiations. 
These provisions may include:
  • Conducting a weed baseline assessment prior to access to property being granted. Noting landholders should to take into account the time of this inspection in relation to seasonal conditions and growth periods
  • Mapping high risk weed areas on property by the landholder or by the company and copies given to both parties – noting access points, flood areas and creek banks and any quarantine paddocks
  • Review any existing property weed management plans and how this can be integrated into the CSG company activities 
  • Establish in your CCA who is responsible if there is an outbreak as a result of the company bringing on weed seeds via equipment or if as a result of their activities (clearing sites, disturbing soils for example) have disturbed the weed seed bank and weeds become established
  • Detail how long after the company leaves are they responsible
  • Include review clauses and periodic monitoring to ensure any problems are addressed early before weeds become established 
For other considerations please contact CSG Project staff here

Helpful Links

Farm Biosecurity: 
Livestock Biosecurity Network (LBN)

Key contacts:
AgForce Projects CSG Team - contact them here.
Livestock Biosecurity Network (LBN) - 
Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry- 

Issues and Complaints:
• CSG Compliance Unit (07) 4529 1500 or email - 

The CSG Project is delivered by AgForce Projects with the support of the Queensland Government, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Queensland Resources Council and the GasFields Commission Queensland.

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