Moura Water Field Day

Moura Water Field Day 

Landholders in the Moura region were invited to attend a field day in March 2014 to discuss regional CSG activities and predictions for groundwater impacts. The field day was a great success, focusing on regional hydrogeology, the make good (MG) process and provided landholders with an overview of how groundwater investigations work.

Click here to access the handouts from the day.


David Free, Chief Hydrogeologist, Groundwater Investigation and Assessment, CSG Compliance Unit
David has some 40 years' experience undertaking groundwater investigations, assessment and management across the State with a strong emphasis in the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) in South West Queensland. David heads up the Groundwater Investigation and Assessment Team within the CSG Compliance Unit based in Toowoomba.

Daniel Phipps, CSG Project Officer 
Daniel Phipps began working as a CSG project officer with AgForce Projects in February 2011. With a background in environmental science Daniel's previous experience with environmental compliance issues working for a mining consultancy adds valuable industry knowledge to our team. Daniel spent three years at Biological Farmers of Australia helping farmers with on-farm agronomy issues and certification compliance with Australian and international markets as well as mining issues.

The CSG Project is delivered by AgForce Projects with the support of the Queensland Government, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Queensland Resources Council and the GasFields Commission Queensland.
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