MORE than 70 landholders and CSG industry stakeholders gathered in Barcaldine on June 2014 for a CSG Water Field Day jointly hosted by AgForce Projects and the GasFields Commission Queensland (GFCQ). The field day featured an open panel forum chaired by GFCQ Chairman John Cotter.
The forum provided landholders with the opportunity to air concerns and raise questions about groundwater issues in the Galilee Basin to representatives of State and Federal Government, industry regulators, gas companies and hydrogeologists. AgForce General President, Ian Burnett, told the forum landholders in the region were understandably anxious about CSG and the field day was designed to ensure they were well informed about the industry and what is likely to occur in the area.
- Ian Burnett, General President, AgForce
- John Cotter, Chairman, GasFields Commission Queensland
- Ian Heiner, Acting Executive Director, CSG Compliance Unit &
David Free, Chief Hydrogeologist, Groundwater Investigation and Assessment, CSG Compliance Unit
David has some 40 years' experience undertaking groundwater investigations, assessment and management across the State with a strong emphasis in the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) in South West Queensland. David heads up the Groundwater Investigation and Assessment Team within the CSG Compliance Unit based in Toowoomba.
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- John Hillier, Independent Hydrogeologist
With more than 40 years' experience in groundwater studies, John has a wealth of knowledge and experience in groundwater resources and investigating the impacts of coal seam gas extraction on the Great Artesian Basin and other aquifers. John will be presenting the findings of the RPS 'Galilee Basin Report on Hydrogeological Investigations'.
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- Peter Baker, Principal Advisor, Federal Office of Water Science
Peter has extensive experience across the minerals, petroleum and water industries and has worked in the private, academic and public sector. Peter is currently chair of the Great Artesian Basin Co-ordinating Committee Technical Working Group and is a member of the National Groundwater Sub-Group.
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- Josh Lean, Manager, Energy Regulation and Implementation, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
Josh has worked in environmental planning and policy for the past seven years, focusing on setting in place regulations and policy that seek to improve the coexistence between industry and sensitive land uses. Josh currently looks after a team that manages the implementation of policy related to CSG water.
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- Randall Cox, General Manager, Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment, DNRM
Randall led the team which prepared the Surat Underground Water Impact Report which assesses the future impacts of CSG development in the Surat Basin. Randall is a hydrogeologist by training and has extensive experience with the Great Artesian Basin.
- Assoc. Professor Will Rifkin, Chair in Social Performance - Centre for CSG and Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, University of Queensland
Will's current project addresses the cumulative social and economic impacts of CSG development in rural Queensland across the four major CSG projects.
- Andrew Falkner, Head of Exploration, AGL
Nicola Fry, Hydrogeologist, AGL
AGL addressed their current operations in the Galilee basin including the pilot production program at Glenaris. Their presentation included information about the CSG water management plan including future developments for CSG produced water. AGL also included details of their Underground Water Impact Report (UWIR) as required by DEHP for their operations. This plan detailed their groundwater monitoring program and activities moving forward should production happen.
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- Tor McCaul, Managing Director, Comet Ridge
Tor Provided an update of Comet Ridge's activities in the region to date and how their activities may unfold in the future. Comet Ridge told the forum that regulatory requirements state that they must complete a UWIR for the activities which Comet Ridge aims to complete late 2013. Tor provided an update of the target seams, Betts creek coal beds, which are approximately 800m deep and below target water aquifers typically 350m as well as an overview of their CSG water management strategy.
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Landholder Mac Allan, Blackall with AgForce General President Ian Burnett | GasFields Commissioner Rick Wilkinson and AgForce Projects Manager Sue Dillon |
The CSG Project is delivered by AgForce Projects with the support of the Queensland Government, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Queensland Resources Council and the GasFields Commission Queensland.